MT Pu Bugnato Coat is a selt-extinguishing polyester-based open cell expanded polyurethane resin AUHF1 with an embossed profiling which has undergone a treatment of copolymer coagulation.
lt is available in sheets 1000x2000 mm or in rolls H 1000 and 1500 mm; lengths vary tram 20 to 50 mtl depending on thickness. Thicknesses: 20-25-30-40 mm.
Others are available upon request. lt can be made adhesive with a water-based, non-toxic acrylic adhesive on a polypropylene liner tor clean surtaces or with moditied acrylic adhesives tor more criticai applications.
Research tags:
Sound absorption products
Polyurethane foam
Ashlar type
Single layer
Application fields:
Air conditioning and air ducts
Industrial plant
Machineries and plants in general
Music and public areas
Sound-proofing treatment for various panels